
Cinderace ♀ - Pom Poms Dance

  • 投稿日:2022/9/21
  • 19759 再生
  • 168 いいね


This is the last version of this video I\'m making, I swear! This\'ll be the 5th version of this video I\'ve released. More than enough I\'d say! XDThis one took a fuck load of effort to make, mostly due to the female Cinderace edit. I attached some bad boobs at first and made them look passable, then attached the pussy, then was unhappy with how the tits were shadowing themselves so I went on to get personal tutoring on how to make my own breasts in Blender, rigged the breasts, gave them physics and a whole bunch of other stuff to make this version happen. Still some bits of the vid I\'m not super pleased with, but that\'s probably gonna be the case with every video I do.Hopefully y\'all who don\'t like the male version can finally enjoy this one!