=> 1440p60fps Download <=Small request from someone on Iwara, I was in the mood for some lazy MMD and I like this setting.It\'s not as clean as my usual stuff but I put it together in a couple hours, think of it as little bonus video.If you appreciate my content and want to help further, you can also support me here.SongClutch by STRLGHTAnimationsSTRLGHT - Clutch Motion by Mizuki-Chan (Not sure about that one since I was sent the motion directly and it looks a bit different)ModelsReimu Edited version by myself, original Tda Reimu by 妮谷丹Sanae Edited version by myself, original Kanata style Sanae/Kanata式 東風谷早苗 by KanataYukari Edited by myself, original アールビット式改造 『八雲紫』 モデルデータ Ver.2.10 by ゴマボウStage温泉馆 Hot spring Hall V1.00 通用版本 by samsinkSunset skydome by Wampa842Effects & Other ToolsMagiArmIK by MagiTeitokushsShader by adam smithFluid2D by beammanSakura by beammanSoftsmoke by beammanLensFlare by beammanPostRimLighting by ミーフォ茜Diffusion7 by soboroExcellentShadow2 by soboroSvSSAO by soboroObjectLuminous by soboroAutoluminous by soboroHgSAO by HariganePo_SSAO by okoneyao_SelfOverlay by okoneyaikBokeh by ikenoikParticles ikenoikCinemorph by ikenoikChromatic by ikenomsGradation by ましましmsPowerDiffusion by ましましmsPowerOverlay by ましましLightBloom by くるりんぽんSoftlightFXAASMAA