
流萤 /Firefly (1/3) Sex happy ending

  • 投稿日:2024/9/8
  • 18732 再生
  • 569 いいね


ENMY patreon https://www.patreon.com/SakuraNight377BEHIND THE SCENES:\nI never thought it would be so hard to upload a video but I did itThe bad thing is that it will be in 3 parts, it is the first one (1/3)\nFirefly had many changes during the video at the beginning she had bandages and cat ears and a very white almost pale skin I did not end up liking it and I ended up changing the costume and accessoriesAs you can see in the scene I tried to give Firefly dialogue omitting all interaction with the fuckboyI did it because I wanted YOU the viewer to feel immersive because each person has a different reaction and response.\nI also incorporated a camera movement effect that will be seen in the following parts this will make each penetration feel almost real the impact thus adding more satisfaction for YOU and consider supporting me because I have many more ideas :)CNMY patreon https://www.patreon.com/SakuraNight377幕后花絮:\n我从没想过上传视频会这么难,但我还是做到了\n不好的部分是它将被分成 3 个部分,这是第一部分(1/3)\n萤火虫在视频开头有很多变化,她缠着绷带,戴着猫耳朵,她的皮肤非常白,几乎是苍白的,我最后不喜欢它,最后我换了衣服和配饰\n正如你在场景中看到的,我试图给萤火虫对话,并省略了与那个混蛋的所有互动\n我这样做是因为我想让你,观众,感到身临其境,因为每个人的反应和回应都不同。\n我还加入了一个相机移动效果,正如你将在以下部分看到的那样,这将使每次穿透都感觉几乎真实,从而为你增加更多的满足感,并考虑支持我,因为我有更多的想法 :)我会考虑配上中文字幕。我还不知道。Materials\nMODEL Firefly\nCARD : RAT pixiv\nMOD : OoOoO pixivSD\nXcalibur\nNyanify