出处:圣华女学院《水浒传》是中国古代四大名著之一,由施耐庵编著,讲述了北宋时期一群被逼上梁山的好汉们的故事。这部小说以宋江为首的108位好汉为主线,描绘了他们从被官府迫害到聚义梁山,再到接受朝廷招安,最终或战死沙场,或被朝廷所害的悲壮历程。Water Margin "is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of ancient China, compiled by Shi Nai\'an. It tells the story of a group of brave men who were forced to climb Mount Liang during the Northern Song Dynasty. This novel revolves around 108 heroes led by Song Jiang, depicting their tragic journey from being persecuted by the government to gathering in Liangshan, then accepting the court\'s surrender, and ultimately either dying on the battlefield or being harmed by the court.bgm:好汉歌(cupcakke remix)\n作者:AzheRise(b站up)