
巫女雪泉母 調教凌辱

  • 投稿日:2025/1/1
  • 3782 再生
  • 217 いいね


明けましておめでとうございます。\n今年もよろしくお願いします。\n今年一発目の動画は例年通り巫女雪泉さんものになります。\nサンタと同じく親子参加ですが、娘の方は今回スパイス的な存在になります。\n動画イメージとして、正月巫女のバイト中、散々凌辱(今までの自分の動画内にて)を受けた雪泉だったが、その後ちゃんと恋愛をし、子持ち(子供が誰の子かは考えないことにしている)の母親となっていた。\nそして、娘もかつての自分と同じ年齢まで成長し、肩の荷が下りたかと思っていたが、娘ユミが巫女のバイトをすると言い出し、\nかつての悪夢が蘇る雪泉(;´・ω・)\n心配になりったものの、初めてのバイトでウキウキの娘を見て言い出せず、せめてもと一緒にバイトについていくことにしたのだが、その神社に居たのはかつて自分を凌辱した神主袋であった。\n娘の貞操を心配した雪泉は自らの身を捧げることで娘には手をださない契約をする。\n娘がバイトする間人妻となり熟した体を神主袋の好き放題にされる人妻雪泉の運命は如何にって感じのストーリーなっております。\n動画作ってて導入部分の動画作成は無理と判断して概要に書いてみました(;^ω^)\n_______________________________________________Happy New Year!\nWe look forward to working with you again this year.\nAs usual, the first video of the year will be about Yumi, a shrine maiden.\nAs with the Santa Claus video, the father and daughter participate, but the daughter is the spice in this video.\nAs you can see in the video, Yumi had been humiliated a lot during her part-time job as a New Year\'s Day miko, but she has since fallen in love and become a mother with a child (I don\'t think about whose child she is).\nHer daughter has grown up to the same age as she once was, and she thought that a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, but then her daughter Yumi says she is going to work part-time as a miko (shrine maiden),\nThe nightmare of the past comes back.(;´・ω・)\nYumi is worried about her daughter\'s chastity, but seeing her so excited about her first part-time job, she can\'t bring herself to tell her, so she decides to go with her to work.\nYumi, worried about her daughter\'s chastity, makes a pact with him not to touch her by offering herself to him.\nThe story is about Yumi, a married woman who is given a part-time job while her daughter works part-time, and her ripe body is left to the mercy of the goddess bag.\nI was making a movie and decided it was impossible to make a movie of the introduction part, so I wrote it in the outline (;^ω^)