Enjoy!A very warm welcome to you all. Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great time.I come with a new video and it is (or at least I think it is) a bit different, or just a bit different in quality. Due to technical problems I had to use a different editing program and I\'m not sure how it turned out.By the way, I have a question. Do you feel love in the air? I don\'t, but the hentai I used is quite vanilla and all lovey-dovey.... So the next one probably won\'t be like that, enough is enough ;)\nHowever, it\'s a bit painful to leave a one project because of the technical problems I mentioned, so maybe I\'ll try to do something about it and try to recreate it. I don\'t know... yet.I don\'t have much to say today. Good luck to everyone in the new year and see you on the next video.Source: "Kono Koi ni Kizuite"BGM: Ofenbach - Overdrive (feat. Norma Jean Martine)And if anyone is interested, the voice line in the intro is from Payday 2.