
巫女雪泉娘 調教凌辱

  • 投稿日:2025/1/11
  • 3548 再生
  • 196 いいね


巫女雪泉母 調教凌辱\nの娘側の動画になります。\n前回の動画で娘が何もなく無事帰宅するというのは如何なものかという天からの啓示を受け娘さんにも母親と同じような目にあってもらいました。(∩´∀`)∩\n今回も冒頭部分の作成するのが困難だった( 尺的に入れれなかった)ので流れを概要に入れておきます。\n母親が夜のお勤め(乱交凌辱)により一緒に帰れなかったユミ(娘)\n夜も遅いということで一緒に仕事していたモブ巫女さんが送っていくことを提案し受け入れたが、実はこのモブ巫女は既に神主袋に調教され、今では巫女として雇った女性を調教し、神主袋に捧げる調教師としての側面を持っていた。\nそんなことも知らないユミは送り狼に襲われ、気を失ってしまう。\n気が付くと知らない巫女衣装に着替えさせられ拘束されていた。\n実はこの巫女衣装は母親雪泉が神主袋に処女を散らされ、調教により堕とされた際に着ていた巫女衣装であり、娘にも同じ道を辿ってもらうべく着させたのであった。\nこうして調教を開始したモブ巫女だったが、処女は神主袋に捧げさせるため基本的にアナル責めがメインで行っており、マ〇コについては神主袋が処女を奪う時の為に膜を傷つけずにマ〇コを拡張、開発が可能なアクメビームバイブを使用していた。\n百戦錬磨の調教師達のテクニックに性的知識も技術も持たない生娘ユミでは対抗することも出来ず与えられる圧倒的快楽により最早息も絶え絶えまで調教されてしまう。\nそんなボロボロのユミの前に神主袋が現れ…って感じの流れになります。\n前回のラストで「来年は娘もよろしく」と神主袋に言わせてたけどまさかの今年実現させてしまった。(-_-;)_______________________________________巫女雪泉母 調教凌辱This video is from the daughter\'s side of the story.\nIn the last video, I received a revelation from heaven that it is not good for a daughter to come home safely without any problems, so I asked the daughter to go through the same thing as her mother.(∩´∀`)∩\nThe first part of the video was again difficult to make (plus I couldn\'t include it due to the length of the video), so I\'ve included a summary of the flow of the video.\nYumi (daughter) couldn\'t come home with her mother due to her mother\'s night work (orgy and humiliation).\nAs it was late at night, the mob priestess who was working with her suggested to send her home and she accepted, but in fact, this mob priestess had already been trained by the goddess bag and now had an aspect as a trainer who trained women hired as priestesses and dedicated them to the goddess bag.\nYumi, unaware of this, is attacked by a sentinel wolf and passes out.\nWhen she came to, she was forced to change into a miko costume that she did not know and was restrained.\nIn fact, this miko costume was the miko costume that Yumi\'s mother Yumi wore when she was corrupted by the goddess bag, and she made her daughter wear it so that she would follow the same path.\nThe training began with a mob miko, but since the virgin was to be sacrificed to the goddess bag, anal torture was the main method, and for the pussy, an acme beam vibrator was used, which could expand and develop the pussy without damaging the membrane, in case the goddess bag took the virgin\'s virginity.\nYumi, a raw girl with no sexual knowledge or skills, is unable to compete with the techniques of the trainers, who have been trained over a hundred times, and the overwhelming pleasure she is given causes her to be trained until she is breathless.\nThe goddess bag appears in front of the battered Yumi and...well, you get the idea.\nAt the end of the last episode, the goddess said to Yumi, “Next year, please take care of my daughter, too. (-_-;)