Hi! Nice to meet you! (。・∀・)ノ゙I\'ve been watching HMVs since a year and I decided to make one of my own! (NO! Not only one, still more( ̄▽ ̄)). It felt quite weird while producing HMVs myself, thinking of you guys jerking off of it or somehow, however FUCK IT!!\nThis weird experience makes me a bit interested in digging more of it. So good for you, you guys get to see more of my products in the future!! ( •̀ ω •́ )yAs my first HMV, I found it harder to finding sources than editting the video, and I get to know what certain kind of scences I could put into use, so maybe the next HMV will come out a bit easier.Uh oh, almost forgot to list the sources:\nSONG: KEAN DYSSO - UWU ;\nSOURCES: Kuri Kuri Click! My Summer Vacation! Uncensor Edition.Please comment and follow so I could get some advices and tons of motivation, very appreciated (^^ゞ.———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————英文已经讲很多了,看得懂就看吧,看不懂就算了(懒得翻译了),总而言之就是:\n第一次做的HMV,祝您用餐愉快~ (∩_∩)~