
[R-18] Abracadabra - Kotone

  • 投稿日:2025/3/16
  • 2486 再生
  • 140 いいね


I know, I know, I said my next video would be my last one but hear me out, okay?First things first, I wanted to thank you all for the support on my previous video and my decision to leave Iwara, it means the entire world to me and I\'m very fortunate to have such a great audience as you guys. Therefore, i wanted to give you all an extra video before the real deal.First, do you remember the "new girl" from a video I made a looong time ago? Well, some of you probably don\'t, and I wouldn\'t blame you as I basically introduced her and never used her again. The reason was that if I\'d start introducing new characters, I\'d probably end up making more than I can sustain, and I also wanted to focus on a single girl - Ayami.So for this video, and after way more time than I\'d like to admit to pick a name for her (really, I suck at naming characters istg), Kotone takes the stage!But why her and why now? Well, not too long after my previous video I said "might as well give her another shot since I\'m leaving anyway". I planned something very simple in the beginning, just a "clothes disappearing" type of video since this was going to be just an extra bonus after all.However, I wasn\'t satisfied with that, the ideas started to develop in my mind and then the whole thing became a physical strip, which I\'ve been working for a while now.I\'m a little embarrassed to admit that I came with quite a few problems when making this video (that was supposed to be completed a couple weeks ago 😅).First and foremost, the clippy skirt; I tried a lot of things to fix the clipping (mainly messing with the colliders and stuff) and couldn\'t get any good results without the skirt looking like a mess, so apologize for the clippy skirt in advance.Secondly, I kinda screwed up some body proportions with the model and the video rendering (twice), so I had to readjust a lot of stuff a couple times before the final result.As for the stripping itself, it was a little hard to find good moments to remove clothes while keeping a good pace, so most of the strip action ended on the second half of the video.I also tweaked the camera more than usual, especially on the later parts of the motion.Thanks again for all your support, I\'ve been putting a lot of thought of returning eventually and not quit for good... but that\'s a topic I want to save for the next, and my last, video (which I\'m already working on and totally didn\'t mixed up progress when working with this one 😁).Anyway, let\'s not worry about all that for now, and as always, enjoy!Motion by NatsumiSanCamera by avharu (edited by me)Abracadabra by Brown Eyed Girls