4K60FPS:patreon:www.patreon.com/gu_chan引力圈:app.unifans.io/c/gu_chan姑且算是调整过来了,一些糟心事算是告一段落了。目前我正在尝试用纯blender流程制作mmd,但是遇到了很多意想不到的问题,如果短期内无法解决的话我应该考虑尝试换回用ABC制作mmd流程了。I have adjusted myself and some of the troubles have come to an end.I am currently trying to create MMD using an all-Blender workflow, but I\'ve run into many unexpected issues. If I can\'t resolve them in the short term, I might consider switching back to the ABC process for making MMD.