

  • 投稿日:2025/3/20
  • 180816 再生
  • 5085 いいね


感謝老板的定製公開辰南引力圈贊助已開放/Sponsored Linkshttps://app.unifans.io/c/himuramegumin感謝符文法師支援art369肝了2周,應該是目前技術力的驗證作了。這次我加了英語字幕,統一了男角色和場景,並且進行了一些改造,希望這樣會更有代入感一些。這樣看起來更像是個完整的故事,而不是一堆畫面拼湊起來的MV了(雖然本質還是各種畫面拼湊起來的)。很抱歉我加上了水印,但是看到自己的視頻被倒賣還是不太甘心了,贊助可獲得無水印高清版本。當然,不花錢一樣可以看完整版,我不希望兄弟們來我這看個片都要掏錢,有能力的哥們支持一下就好了。I worked on it for 2 weeks, and it should be a testament to my current technical capabilities.This time, I added English subtitles, unified the male characters and scenes, and made some changes. I hope this will make it more immersive. This way it looks more like a complete story, rather than a MV made up of a bunch of fragments (although it is still a collection of fragments in essence).I\'m sorry that I added a watermark, but I still feel bad to see my video being resold. Sponsorship will get you a watermark-free HD version.Of course, you can watch the full version without spending money. I don’t want brothers to have to pay to watch pornographic films here. Brothers who are capable can just support it.