4K60FPS Full Ver(10min)\n←click patreon for support, thank you my bro❤️久等了,薇塔后续第二部终于做好了,本部赞助的9分钟秒后续包含薇塔与芽衣的双飞,以及其他完整剧情(比如在发给爱莉希雅出轨视频后,芽衣夜晚跟舰长在爱莉面前“妻前目犯”之类的)。该系列最后的第三部,当然就是两个坏女人叫上爱莉一起三飞啦~The long wait is over—Vita’s sequel (Part 2) is finally here! This 9-minute extended version, sponsored as promised, features haveing sex with Vita and Mei, along with other full plotlines. And of course, the grand finale (Part 3) will be those two troublemakers having three sex with Elysia~赞助群790693405,有永久会员(本期8分钟完整版,教导主任薇塔第二部也在本月末)\n定制约稿请加群咨询未公开赞助专属视频预览 Hidden video for sponsors this month:09.菲比想让你和她一起信教❤️ Phoebehttps://www.pixiv.net/artworks/12849139110.坎特雷拉Cantarellahttps://www.pixiv.net/artworks/128605297