
[MMD R18] Kaya [A]ddiction strip dance

  • 投稿日:2019/12/15
  • 9798 再生
  • 135 いいね


Kaya doesn\'t get enough attention either. JandJ seems to have abandoned her so I did a couple of lightweight fixes and improvements, nothing really substantial. DL below. Addiction is a good song, Kaya is hot, what more do you want me to say?I think that moving forward I\'m going to only make demo videos for the Really Big Projects I finish & release, all the smaller edits & cleanup projects will just get an image post as their "official download source". It\'s really annoying for me when people get their actual MMDs mixed up with their official release posts, I prefer when a post is specifically one or the other, not both. Anyway I\'ve got a couple of smaller cleanup projects done already but I\'m dragging my heels on officially releasing them.Effects: ExcellentShadow2 (I really neeed to learn how to use some of the better shaders...)Model: Kaya v1.04 (JL edit), Post: https://ecchi.iwara.tv/images/model-dl-kaya-v104Song: [A]ddiction by EVO The stage is kinda weird. I think it\'s actually Kelorin Town v1.0 by BTA, but I got it from amiamy111 who had uploaded it with the name BTA City. Anyway, it came in 4 parts which were all misaligned so I spent an hour finding the proper shifts & rotations to make the pieces line up, then merged them all into a single PMX. Download here: http://tstorage.info/shxujpqq7gue It\'s got like 7 or 8 different good MMD sites scattered throughout the file, go exploring! There is a 2.0 and a 3.0 version of this map available as well, if you want to go find it.