
[MMD R18] Wolf girl Liru: Gokuraku Jodo 極楽浄土 strip dance

  • 投稿日:2019/11/28
  • 5907 再生
  • 77 いいね


Did you know there was a nude model for Liru? I did not. I didn\'t know I needed this model until I found it by accident, but then I NEEDED IT. The internals are a nightmare and I literally don\'t understand how it works even a little bit but she looks amazing :DThis is the sort of simple, quick-and-dirty, copy-paste, zero effort, literally spent more time rendering than planning MMD that I tend to dislike. But I felt inspired to share what I had made. Hey, at least I sync my stripping with the music and camera cuts, unlike most people. I\'ll likely redo this video later when I\'m done with my current projects and try to fix the camera clipping, get another stage of stripping in there, maybe get some shots of Liru wiggling her cute tail... the point is, I have big ideas and not enough time to pursue them.Model: Liru v1.0 by K (look it up on mmda.booru)Stage: Old Town by amiamy111Effects: ExcellentShadow2Song: Gokuraku Jodo by GarnideliaCamera: kemika edit